Hi, read carefully.

  • As you will have read, this platform accepts all people in the world but gives local benefits only to Trieste residents, such as the Living Income.
  • You have two “offices-dashboard”, one is Affiliate and the other is Member, on the first you see your Points which are convertible into Triestine Crypto Coins valid for everyone, on the second you see your subscription and your data, wallet, passion or work and percentuages to communicate with other people.
  • To be a member of the trading platform you must necessarily put an acceptance percentage of the Triestine Crypto Coins.
  • We don’t use the Euro or Fiat coins (or at least we limit them), among you if you want you can use them, but not on the platform.
  • Each person is a buyer and seller and can also be the contact person of a physical company in Trieste. He will always be registered with only one User.
  • At the beginning, use the Free Subscription Plan to learn how the FMT Platform works, then we will apply the Personal Plan (10) and the Commercial Plan (100) where there will be different advantages and discounts. All are annual and renewable on the registration expiration date.
  • The Shop FMT currently is used exclusively to purchase a Coupon for concessions in Activities registered on the platform or to request Trieste Crypto Coins from the Central Bank of the TLT by exchanging them from the Points received from frequenting the platform, from invitations to friends or from presence in meetings, conferences or assemblies.
  • The Map and Business pages are still under construction

more explanations coming soon.. and Video Tutorial in progress.

Video Tutorial (italian language):

Various :

Wallet WX.network:

Member FMT:

Affiliate FMT:

Shop FMT:

Questions you want to ask in the FAQ…

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